
Heaven in Five

Close your eyes.... take a deep breath... 5,4,3,2,1... now open up your eyes what do you see?!
I can tell you what I normally see:
I can see butterflies flying above my head... 
I can see flowers covering the roof of my room.... 
I can see waterfalls streaming down my walls... 
I can feel the clouds swifting below my body... 
I can float on nothingness... 
I can kiss the sky... 
I can see God... 
I can touch the hearts of angels... 
I can kiss my loved ones goodbye one last time as they look me straight in the eye...
Tonight I'm in a different Haven...
Tonight I am at peace and no longer in pain...
This is a night I can go back to again and again....
now I open my eyes one more time...
the walls are pale white...
the roof is stained with old paint...
the dust is floating above my head...
the heat is overwhelming...
life feels like hell...
but for 5 seconds I can relive heaven and that is worth visiting a million hell... 
only now I know how much I miss my  
 Personal Haven... 
every one of us has a paradise lost... I just hope you can all find it within your heart after every deep breath you take... cause it is the only thing that keeps a smile and saves a soul... 

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